
Welcome to Mrs. D’s Catholic Kids Page!
All are welcome!

This is where you can come to learn more about Mrs. D and her Catholic books. You will also find videos from Mrs. D to you which will help you learn new things and just have some fun! Check out more videos on Mrs. D’s YouTube channel which can be found here:

Catholic Kids Videos

The Adventures of Baxter           the Unusual Cat                Power Pet Heroes Book One

Join Baxter the unusual cat on this hilarious adventure as he transforms from a scaredy cat into a courageous Power Pet hero! This blast from the past takes place in the 1950s. Baxter lives in a small friendly town, but he has a problem. Whenever he is afraid, he becomes invisible! Baxter must learn to control his superpower of invisibility by being brave. If he doesn’t, he will miss out on new friendships and his destiny of becoming a Power Pet superhero!

For grades 3-7

For more information go to


Monica DiIorio is now offering in person visits when the locations are near her home and virtual visits for schools, homeschool groups, libraries and clubs. If you are interested in having a visit from author Monica DiIorio you may make inquiries by using the contact form at the bottom of the CONTACT page.